Friday 24 June 2011

We beat the Broncos?

G'day fans,

A huge win for the boys against NSW's Broncos. I've never played in that much water before, except in my speedboat. Thank God Dave taylor was bludging out in the centres with me, I was able to stand next to him and not get wet. We celebrated big time after the game, the champaine and metho was going down a treat.

Perth is a great city. One of the great things about playing footy is you get to do things you normally wouldn't be able to do. For instance in Perth I had a Whopper Burger at Hungry Jacks. Never in my wildest dreams would I do that in Sydney, Victoria. It was such a great experience I had 27 more.

The plane trip home was a bit wild, the plane was shaking around everywhere. Eventually the stewardess got me and Richo to sit on opposite sides of the plane and it we were able to level out. It was so hairy that at one stage I made out my will. I left my speedboat and everything else to Mr Mundine and left Sally to Chrissy Sandow.

I reckon we've got our season back on track, we should be right in the fight for ninth at the end of August. We've already got mad monday organised. Meanwhile Mr Crowe has been on me for getting a tiny bit overweight so I've decided to go on a diet - from now on no snacks between meals. Mr Crowe reckons that 10 meals a day is enough.

Well I better go. Sally's got half a dozen roast chickens in the oven and I've got to make sure she's not over cooking them. I don't want to have to save her from hurting herself again.

Yours IG.

PS: Some weird guy called Bunniesman from Coff Harbour keeps sending me naked pictures of himself. Its pretty scary, especially when you consider that Coffs Harbour is only 10 minutes drive from my house in Redfern Heights. If I borrowed one of Lucky Sandow's guns and shot this guy would I get into trouble?

Wednesday 22 June 2011

We've Arrived in Perth

Hi all youse souffs fans and league fans.

The boys have just touched down in Perth you know, which is in South Australia. We were lucky to get here, you know, because, you know, it was raining in Chile. Sutto reckons there was an ash cloud but I told him that the people of Redern are burning cars all the time and the plane's are still flying. Sutto's not two brite.

Coach Lang had too be dragged onto the plane. I think he's a little bit stressed about our form. Not sure why, we're right on target to finish ninth. Chris 'Lucky' Sandow had a bit of a tough time getting on the plane as well, apparently you're not allowed to carry guns on planes.

Mr Crowe sent us a good luck message to our hotel. "You better win you cunts all I'll get David Fa'alogo to punch your sorry arses down the stairs". Not sure if Mr Crowe is coming to watch us play this week, I think he's in LA trying to get his caps back off Oprah and Clint Dogg.

I'm pretty pumped about playing the Broncos on Friday. This will be the first time I've played them since walking out on them at the start of the year. I'm so pumped I could punch something, unfortunately Sally had to stay home to polish the speedboat. I guess I'll have to make do with Fatty Taylor. A lot of people have spoken about my decision to bail out on Brisbane. The truth is I just couldn't see myself living in the Northern Territory. I'm a Queenslander.

Well, I better go, the pizza man is here and I've still got half a bucket of KFC to polish off. I think we'll win this Friday, I'm in seriously good form on the roulette wheel. We might get close in the footy two.

Until next time, G I.

PS: I keep getting these weird messages from some gay guy called BunniesMan. If anyone knows him please tell him I'm not interested although Burgo is willing to give it a go.